Tuesday, March 17, 2009


It's frustrating at times; looking to the Bible for answers. I say this not because I don't believe the answers the Bible contains are are valuable, on the contrary, they are precious. I say this because oft times, the answers the Bible offers are rarely the answers to the questions we have in the first place.

Just today, I was sitting at the counter with two objects in front of me. My bible and this computer. I've been in a place lately where I'm constantly searching for direction. Do I investigate the possibility of school? Of various job opportunities? Of doing something like YWAM? (for those of you who are not familiar, Youth With A Mission is a Christian organization dedicated to being and making disciples of Christ. They offer various training programs and opportunities to serve in missions all over the globe.) As I contemplated these things and more, I asked God, "What do you want me to do?" Then I started to reach for the computer to start googling through some of these different ideas. It occurred to me that it was a little silly that I would expect God to "speak" to me as I was browsing through pages and pages of the information super highway....when I had his living and active Word sitting within arms reach. So I closed the computer and opened the Bible to the book of Ephesians.

I read about Christ's power and authority. I read about how Christ chose and predestined us to share in his inheritance and the praise of his glory. I read about how we are to be excited about the promise we have in Christ. About how the Holy Spirit is a deposit guaranteeing the things that are yet to come as a result of our salvation. I read about how we are one in Christ together with all of creation which at the end times will all come together and be restored for the purpose of God's glory.

These are all good things. They are all valuable answers. They do not, however, answer the questions I have today. How I wish, sometimes, that I could open my Bible one day and have my eyes fall upon words like, "Leigh Cara, It is my will that you go back to work on a cruise ship/apply for this college/seek that job in this city...." God doesn't seem to answer in these ways though. Instead, he says to us, "Love your neighbor as yourself." "Go and make disciples of all nations." "Pray on all occasions." Just last night I read the passage of scripture that says tells us not to worry about our lives. That God knows what our needs are so we are to "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33).

All of these little details in life that we fret over and spend all of our time trying to come up with solutions to are merely afterthoughts. Or at least, God's word suggests to us that they should be. Questions like "How am I going to support myself? How am I going to pay my bills and keep a roof over my head and put food on my table?" Afterthoughts. Crazy, huh?

I suppose the questions I should be asking are, "How do I make an impact for Christ and his kingdom today?" "Who around me does not know Christ and has not received his salvation?" "What is the best way for me to demonstrate Christ's love to somebody who is hurting?". I suppose that when we align our hearts with God and start to ask the right questions, we will find the answers we seek. Specific answers and instructions even, for the scenarios we will find ourselves in. Not to mention encouragement for the hardships we will inevitably endure as we step into our role as the "hands and feet" of Christ and really take ownership of our responsibility to step up and answer his call to serve him and others.

I have so much to learn about what it means to die unto myself in order to have life through Christ...